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Fidelis Wealth Education Program

For business owners and their employees

Today, it is increasingly common for employees to be faced with the challenge of choosing their own investments in their company’s retirement plan. This responsibility, however, does not necessarily come with the financial knowledge to plan wisely.

In fact, many 401(k) plan participants expect their employer to provide them with the information they need to make investment decisions. This is an enormous responsibility for any employer, and one for which you may not have the necessary resources.

Recognizing this need, Fidelis Wealth Management Inc. has developed the Fidelis Wealth Management Education Program. This program is designed to help employers inform and educate their employees on how to pursue their financial goals.

Through the program, a Wealth Advisor is brought into your company to provide purely educational seminars on such topics as: retirement planning, participating in a 401(k), basics of investing and retirement plan distributions.

The Fidelis Wealth Management Education Program draws upon our long-standing experience in the fields of wealth and retirement planning to provide a number of valuable benefits. It may help you meet your responsibilities to the plan, promote your benefits programs and relieve you from committing staff time and resources to create an internal program. At the same time, your employees will learn to balance financial demands and to invest prudently for retirement.

Contact Fidelis Wealth Management for your complimentary review and learn how we may help you promote your benefits program and help your employees pursue their personal financial goals.