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Our Clients

Families, business owners, and non-profit organizations

Fidelis Wealth Management clients are affluent individuals and families, executives at public and private companies, and business owners to whom we provide financial planning, investment advice and asset management services, through LPL Financial. All of our clients share several important characteristics:

Our clients have an important trait of successful long-term investors, Faith in the future. Faith in the American economy and its markets can potentially be rewarding over time. Faith in the future will keep us from being frightened out of our long-term portfolio, and help us pursue real-life returns.

Our clients have Patience , the refusal to react inappropriately to disappointing events: such as a general market decline.  If you and your spouse are 62 today, and if you live to average joint life expectancy, one of you has at least 30 more years to live. Therefore be patient in the market, you’re asking the investment portfolio to provide for you in 10, 20, or 30 years . . . perhaps beyond.

Our clients have Discipline, the decision to keep doing the right things. Paying yourself first – funding your long-term plan before remodeling the kitchen or grabbing that great deal on a boat – is discipline. Continuing to fund that plan month in and month out – as opposed to "Maybe we better hold up for a while until this market stops going down" – is discipline. The undisciplined investor reacts, while the disciplined investor continues to act, across all market cycles.